Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yeah, fine, I probably would've done it anyway.

So this post on Regretsy caused me to make a painting of a dog dressed as a '50s starlet in hopes of getting a prize and/or a shoutout from their illustrious webmistress.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...WEIMARANER MONROE!

(Edited to add: I was originally going to sell this painting, but ended up using it for my very first FREE GIVEAWAY on Facebook instead. If you become a fan of my Facebook page, you could win free stuff, too!)

Her boobs are so firm you just know they're fake.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so that's weird: I went to put a little addendum on this post from a month or two ago, and Blogspot moved the post up to today.

